The first ever element that ancient humans became acquainted with was copper. History has the evidence that during the Chalcolithic Era which is also known as the Copper Age, ancient humans started copper to make their weapons instead of stone ones. Copper became an important element that was widely used in ancient India and many other parts of the world for making household items. It was also popular as a currency during trading.
Bharat or India has the oldest system of natural medicine in the world, called AYURVEDA – The term AYURVEDA is derived from the Sanskrit words Ayur (life) and Veda (science or knowledge). In other words, it’s the knowledge of life. According to AYURVEDA, all diseases that we suffer from are the direct outcome of certain imbalance or stress in a person’s consciousness. Thus AYURVEDA lays stress on certain therapies and bringing about certain changes in our lifestyle to maintain a balance between the body, mind, spirit, and the environment. According to AYURVEDA, in order to strike a perfect balance one needs to begin with the internal purification process first. AYURVEDA states that there are three types of energies / forces called doshas and each dosha regulates and controls a part of our physical functions related to the body, mind and spirit (trinity). The three doshas are Vata, Pitta and Kapha and the three determine a person’s physical, mental and emotional health.
Feel Closer to Mother Nature, embrace Copper

Saints in ancient India stressed on drinking water stored in copper vessels to balance the three doshas in our body. Water stored in copper vessels or Tamra Jal has innumerable health benefits. The properties of copper get infused into the water that’s stored in it and it becomes natural alkaline water that helps in balancing the pH level of our body. Copper acts as a natural disinfectant and the water stored in it naturally becomes free of germs and bacteria. Copper is highly effective against germs in the stomach like E.Coli, S. aureus and Cholera Bacillus and other common waterborne diseases and helps boost your digestive system.
Benefits of Drinking Water stored in Copper Vessels
Not only does copper water fortify the immune system, it also helps in improving the cognitive abilities by stimulating the brain and supports growth and neuro-development. Copper water acts as a preventer of osteoporosis, supports formation of red blood cells, provides assistance to the body in absorbing iron, thus preventing the risk of anaemia. Copper helps strengthening of bones and can be beneficial in the prevention of ailments like arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, inflamed joints, varicose veins, headaches, cuts etc. Sufficient consumption of copper on a daily basis helps in increasing the blood flow to the heart, thus improving the cardiovascular system. Copper helps in weight loss by dissolving the excess fat in our body. Due to its anti-convulsive properties, copper is beneficial in preventing seizures and helps in preventing stroke. Copper water, due to it’s alkaline properties, keeps your system cool by detoxifying your body. Consumption of copper water over a period of time controls ageing since it’s antioxidant, supports cell regeneration, prevents the negative impact of free agents on our skin. This in turn helps fight off wrinkles and fine lines. Copper helps in maintaining the elasticity of our skin that come with age. Copper water is antioxidant in nature which wards off free radicals and eliminates its harmful effects.
It’s noteworthy to mention here that free radicals, in spite of their very less lifespan, can damage the DNA; this in turn can trigger mutations that increase the risk of having heart disease and cancer. Deficiency of copper in human body might lead to chronic diarrhoea and premature births.
In an attempt to revive the ancient knowledge of AYURVEDA, we want to make the world aware of the benefits of consuming water stored in copper vessels. To get maximum benefit, one should store plain water in the copper bottle for at least eight hours before drinking it. It should be drank in empty stomach being in a seated position. Before using it for the first time, please ensure to wash it thoroughly with warm water in order to wash away any residue/ dust.
The bottles we manufacture are made of 100% recycled copper that’s cut from a single copper sheet and then given the desired shape by our experienced braziers who use traditional methods for manufacturing them. The bottle caps are also made of pure copper that are leak proof; we’ve fitted the caps with silicon washers for making them watertight. These bottles are aesthetically attractive and are available in various shapes, sizes, designs and colours. We also manufacture copper jugs, copper tumblers and copper goblets.
There’s a bottle for everyone to choose from! So make copper bottles a part of your quotidian life and experience the health benefits for yourself!

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Product Costume
Our entire range of copperware products are made with good quality cooper using sustainable manufacturing techniques. All our products are eco-friendly as well as biodegradable.
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