Since time immemorial, seashells have been associated with love and fertility. It’s a common belief that the seashell’s hard crust is a representation of one’s inner strength that’s stands for determination and resilience. Some also feel that seashells provide protection against evil spirits. Seashells for some are representations of one’s journey from the physical to the spiritual world; they have fascinated humans over centuries and they are considered as collectibles for their beautiful shapes and colours. In the Sanatana Dharma or Hinduism, blowing conch shells are considered very auspicious and they are blown during morning time and in the evenings. The sound of the conch shells is believed to ward off anything ominous and bring peace, good fortune and wealth in the family. Conch shells are blown in homes and temples in India. Another benefit of blowing conch shells is that it increases the respiratory capacity and cleanses one’s lungs. Blowing conch shells require tremendous respiratory strength and since they’re blown daily, they help in keeping one’s lungs in good shape. In the Sanatana Dharma, the Shankha or conch shell is considered as a sacred representation of the Supreme Lord Vishnu. The resonance of Shankha is similar to the OM () Dhwani or OM sound. Shankha is a symbol of longevity, wealth and glory. In Buddhism too the Shankha is considered sacred and is regarded as one of the eight holy symbols of the religion.
Beauty of the Ocean with Seashells Products!

Excavations carried out by archaeologists in Bet Dwarka Island in the Gulf of Kutch had unearthed the remains of an ancient seashell industry having around 3000 shells that dates back to the Harappan Civilization that’s is nearly 3800 years old. During excavations in Mohenjodaro, Surkotada and Lothal, various seashell artifacts like cups, ladles, beads and bangles have been discovered. Conch shell craft is the art of engraving beautiful motifs on natural shells that are obtained from the Indian Ocean. Conch shell is actually a large, oblong or conical shaped predatory shell whose scientific name is Turbinella Pyrum. These shells are of dull white colour with a hard and translucent surface. The interior of a conch shell is hollow and shiny and the ones with pointed ends are considered as sacred according to Hinduism. These conch shells are high in demand and are sold at a premium price. Conch shell and seashell crafts are one of the oldest folk crafts of West Bengal. It’s a craft that’s unique to West Bengal and Odisha. In West Bengal the districts of Bankura, East Midnapore, West Midnapore, Burdwan, Nadia and Kolkata are the main centres of seashell artworks. This art is known for its sophistication and is delicate in nature.
The craftsmen need extreme skillfulness to etch on them as any excess pressure can lead to their disintegration. The artisans make unique curving on these conch shells, the more intricate they are, the higher is the demand and price. The themes for curving these conch shells are predominantly spiritual; the artisans curve the form of Lord Krishna, Lord Shiva, Goddess Lakshmi or scenes from the Mahabharata on these conch shells which are their exclusive creations.
Ritualistically, bangles made of conch shells are a must to wear among the newly-wed Hindu brides of West Bengal as they symbolize that they’ve tied the nuptial knot and is a direct reflection of a woman’s marital status. Other than bangles, brooches, pendants, rings, earrings, necklaces are also made out of shells. The artists these days have come up with brilliant ideas curving table lamps, jewellery of all shapes and designs, elegant showpieces, pen stands, incense stick holders, vermillion containers, elegant figurines and even cutleries out of them that are considered truly impressive and impeccable pieces of art. Seashells come in various shapes, sizes and textures and are widely used in art and crafts and for decoration purposes in India.

Whether you want to place a large customised order for a single item or an assortment of multiple handicraft products, we can work things out for you ! For years we have been successfully delivering customized orders for our clients and satisfying their expectations – so just state your requirements to us and relax, we will handle the rest for you.

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Our entire range of handcrafted seashell products are made using sustainable manufacturing techniques. All our products are eco-friendly as well as biodegradable.
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